Campaign "Cancer treatment 2023. We demand stable and secure financing!"
December, 2022 - January, 2023
Campaign "Is everything as good as it seems? Get tested for HIV!"
The Center for Disease Prevention and Control campaign "Is everything as good as it seems? Get tested for HIV!". We performed HIV tests in the cities and towns of Vidzeme and organized podcasts, informational videos, publicity, and communication on social media.
June 2022
Campaign "Receipt lottery: check your winnings, be the winner!”
State Revenue Service, 01.07.2019 – 01.04.2020
Be the winner!
The State Revenue Service's (SRS) communication campaign "Be the winner!” was carried out jointly with the advertising agency Triple Bounce Ltd. We effectively spread our campaign’s message through SRS social media accounts and cooperated with an influencer on her Instagram account.State Revenue Service, 2021 – 2022
Conference "On equality in beating cancer"
March, 2022
Conference "School of Young Oncologists"
Organization of and publicity for the School of Young Oncologists of the Latvian Society for Medical Oncology. The objective was to popularize the specialty of medical oncologists, to educate and build friendly and supportive relationships among young colleagues.
Conference "Innovations in the pharmaceutical industry change the world. How to make them accessible in Latvia?"